Afro Arab Youth council Team visits Teso region to gear up the preparations for the Afro Arab Youth Council 18th anniversary.
As per the designed program for the AAYC 18th Anniversary pre visits preparations, the members of the AAYC secretariat office traversed to Teso Region where they visited schools like Adere Primary School, Aligoi Primary School and Getom Primary Schools for the Fruit Tree Planting.
pre-visit of AAYC Staff at Aligoi Primary school for the fruit tree-planting project in Partnership with the school management in Bukedea district, Teso sub –region
The team also visited the hotel where Delegates were to be accommodated as well as Voice of Teso Radio. They also visited Katakwi District Local government offices where they held discussions with the LC 5 Chairman on how to successfully plan for the event.
Radio talk show at Voice of Teso Radio