
From the 2004 festivals in Khartoum, the AAYC has grown its membership to include more organisation and countries, and by the AAYC 2008 festivals in Munyonyo, Kampala

Mr. Abdul Haddi Elhwegi & H. E. Y. K. Museveni

Member Countries

Member states include; Uganda, Algeria , Madagascar, Angola, Malawi , Bahrain , Mali , Benin , Mauritania , Botswana , Morocco , Burundi , Namibia , Cameroon , Niger , Chad , Nigeria , Central African Republic, Oman ,Congo Brazaville, Palestine, Djibouti, Qatar , DR Congo , Rwanda , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Equatorial Guinea , Senegal , Eritrea, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia , Somalia , Gabon , South Africa , Gambia , Sudan , Ghana , Swaziland , Guinea Bissau , Syria , Iraq , Tanzania , Ivory Coast, Togo, Jordan, Tunisia, Kenya, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) , Kuwait , Lebanon, Yemen, Lesotho, Zambia, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Libya

Membership Affiliations

European Youth Parliament, Greece, Holland, French Youth Organisation, International Youth Democratic Federation, African Union Commission, Arab League

Who can be a member

This is enjoyed by;

  • National youth Platforms, movements, associations, Federations, councils, unions and the likes in different member states, where they are official organisations in charge of youth.
  • Youth non-governmental organisations recognised in member countries.
  • Full membership shall be enjoyed after the organisation has fully paid up membership and other relevant fees.

This is enjoyed by;

  • Ministries responsible for youth in member countries.
  • State / government structures other than ministries doing youth work in member countries.
  • Each Member State will have only one Associate Member.
  • Regional and international youth organisations whose objectives are similar to those of AAYC, and have membership in AAYC member countries.

This is enjoyed by;

  • International Organizations engaged in youth work in at least 10 African countries or 5 Arab countries.
  • Organisations such as African Union, Arab League and United Nations and other similar organisations.
  • All organisations where the AAYC may have membership as observer or affiliate or other such membership.
  • Also, former president of AAYC, Secretary General and patron are honorary members of AAYC.

Categories of membership

  1. Full Membership
  • National youth Platforms, movements, associations, Federations, councils, unions and the likes in different member states, where they are official organizations in charge of youth.
  • Youth non-governmental organizations recognized in member countries.
  • Full membership shall be enjoyed after the organization has fully paid up membership and other relevant fee
  1. Associate membership
  • Ministries responsible for youth in Uganda.
  • State / government structures other than ministries doing youth work in Uganda
  • Regional and international youth organizations whose objectives are similar to those of AAYC, and have membership in AAYC member countries.

Criteria of selection.

How to be a member of AAYC

  • Youth Organizations or Organizations wishing to join the AAYC must first recognize it and comply with its Objectives.
  • Any intending member shall then send an Application for Membership to the General Secretariat of the AAYC, together with the necessary justifications (Accreditation

Status and Program of Action). In a form set out in these statutes.

  • The secretariat shall vet such an application for the suitability of the applicant to be a member of the AAYC.
  • In vetting applications for membership, the secretariat may among others solicit recommendation from AAYC members familiar with the applicant including the government hosting the applicant
  • A report shall be drafted by the secretariat to the Executive Council with a comment on whether the applicant qualifies or not
  • The Executive Council shall make a final recommendation to the General Assembly
  • Regarding the membership of the applicant.
  • The General Assembly may be moved by the executive to award honorary membership to any qualifying individual or organizations.

How to be a member of AAYC

  • Youth Organizations or Organizations wishing to join the AAYC must first recognize it and comply with its Objectives.
  • Any intending member shall then send an Application for Membership to the General Secretariat of the AAYC, together with the necessary justifications (Accreditation, Status and Program of Action). In a form set out in these statutes.
  • The secretariat shall vet such an application for the suitability of the applicant to be a member of the AAYC.
  • In vetting applications for membership, the secretariat may among others solicit recommendation from AAYC members familiar with the applicant including the government hosting the applicant
  • A report shall be drafted by the secretariat to the General Council with a comment on whether the applicant qualifies or not
  • The General Council shall make a final recommendation to the General Assembly regarding the membership of the applicant.
  • The General Assembly may be moved by the executive to award honorary membership to any qualifying individual or organisations.

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