Afro-Arab Youth Council attends African Migration Conference in Benghazi
The Afro-Arab Youth Council actively participated in the African Migration Conference held on January 29th-30th in Benghazi, Libya, focusing on the crucial theme of "Sustainable Solutions for Africa.”
The International African Conference on Migration, sponsored by Libyan Prime Minister Dr. Osama Hammad was attended by over 40 delegations from African nations participated in the event.
Key speakers, including Hon. Agaba Abbas, Secretary General of the Afro-Arab Youth Council (AAYC) representing Uganda, Dr. Mohamed Ben Hadi Joui from Tunisia, Dr. Omar Bouchahala from Libya, Abdelhak Zgraari from Morocco, Dr. Isaac David from Cameroon, and Mr. Ebenezer Oyetakin, offered insights into the diverse perspectives and experiences within the African continent.
While giving his key note speech, The AAYC Secretary General Hon. Agaba Abbas highlighted the involved relationship between migration and several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Notably, migration is identified as both a consequence and a catalyst of poverty. Policies directed at poverty reduction, he emphasized, play a pivotal role in fostering more sustainable migration patterns. Additionally, he underscored the critical importance of prioritizing the health and well-being of migrants. This involves not only ensuring access to healthcare but also addressing mental health concerns and mitigating health risks inherent in the migration process.

Libyan Prime Minister Dr. Osama Hammad expressed commitment to working with international organizations such as the International Organization for Migration and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency to address irregular migration effectively while respecting the rights of all parties.