AAYC visits International Exhibition and Museum of the Sirah in Morocco.

The AAYC Secretary General Hon Dr Abbas Agaba has today visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Sirah of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization, which depicts the life and history of the Prophet (PBUH) and Islam. hosted by the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, Morocco.

Speaking while touring the museum Hon. Abbas Agaba assured that the council agreed to persuade Morocco to create an East African branch of the same for the promotion and education of Islam.

Meeting of the AAYC delegation with Mr. Jamal Touissi, the Executive Director of National Authority for Youth and Democracy discussed strategies aimed at providing development opportunities to young people by giving them the ability and platform to create positive change

Additionally, while in Tangier, Hon Dr Abbas Agaba and Hon Dr. Abdul Haddi Lahweej, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Libya and President of AAYC had an interaction with Prince Bamba of Cote D’Ivore, President of the Elite West Africa.

They agreed on closer cooperation between the two organizations to promote unity and cooperation among the youth.

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