Our Objectives

  • Consolidation of the values of cooperation and integration between the unions and the Youth organizations in the Arab and the African countries.
  • Raising awareness about the problems and issues of the youth, and being granted their rights and gains, and eliminate the phenomenon of ignorance and illiteracy and unemployment, and to contribute to provide solutions to them and discuss issues of concern to the African and Arab world’s (political, economic and social).
  • Support youth activities in the areas of voluntary, humanitarian work, fine Art & Sciences, Arts and Sports, encourage, nurture youth initiatives to participate in this area
    Developing the Council’s relations and membership with various global, regional and national Youth Organizations.
  • Promote girl child rights and freedoms in decision making in all spheres of political, social, economical and in the running of AAYC.
  • Promote dialogue among the African and Arab youth with an aim of creating mutual respect.
  • Declare War on HIV/AIDS by enhancing awareness program and promoting abstinence before Marriage amongst Youth.
  • Support the holding of regular AAYC forum where youth could exchange ideas and experiences.
  • Set up a committee as a mechanism to contribute to conflict resolution involving the youth in handling crises and civil wars particularly, in Africa through encouraging dialogue among AAYC youth and listening to the voice of wisdom and logic entrenching the culture of peace and co-existence.
  • Promote the principles and aspirations of the African Union and the Arab League
  • Sign memorandum of understanding with any country that will promote peace and co-existence among countries of the Afro Arab world.
  • To unite against recolonialisation by promoting sustainable economic development. Afro Arab will form an alliance and strengthen relationship between Arabs and Africans.
  • Poverty eradication, employment creation, health provision,  environmental protection, addressing drug addition, addressing dropout from school, participation in decision making of girls and youth, increasing information access, communication technology in the Arab countries and Arab world.
  • Promote economic integration and sustainance of different countries.
  • Strengthen and promote investments and common African and Arab markets to transform them towards sustainable socio –economic development.
  • Create condusive environment for free flow of labour and capital in Afro Arab region to reduce free migration of labour and brain drain.
  • To organize regular AAYC summits.
  • To promote Afro Arab common market that will improve the standards of living of the youth.
  • Set up a committee as a mechanism to contribute to conflict resolution involving the youth in handling crises and civil wars particularly in Africa through encouraging dialogue among the voice of wisdom and logic entrenching the culture of peace and co-existence.
  • Advocate for resource mobilization in the Afro Arab countries and their effective utilization for economic empowerment of the youth.
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We promote peace, development and solve unemployment challenges amongst the youth