Our Core Values

AAYC works in partnership with African and Arab countries to promote peace, development and solve unemployment challenges amongst the youth. We place youth at the center because we believe a strong nation is built by the youth. We Consolidate the values of cooperation and integration between the unions and the Youth organizations in the Arab and the African countries., Raise awareness about the problems and issues of the youth, and being granted their rights and their gains, and eliminate the phenomenon of ignorance and illiteracy and unemployment, and  contribute to provide solutions to them and discuss issues of concern to the African and Arab world’s(political, economic and social),
Support youth activities in the areas of voluntary and humanitarian work, and fine Art & Sciences, Arts and Sports and encourage and nurture youth initiatives to participate in this area
, Develop the Council’s relations and membership with various global, regional and national Youth Organizations and promote the involvement of girls in Arab and African countries on equal terms in decision-making and managing industry of present and future and all activities of the Council.

AAYC is committed to the following 6 key values in its work and organizational life.  These values serve as our working norms and establish the behavioral guidelines for successful organizational performance.

  • Excellence in Performance: AAYC works to ensure that its programs are high quality, effective and efficient in nature. They are results-oriented, achieving both development effectiveness and desired results; and are gender and age sensitive as well.
  • Partnership: AAYC works respectfully in collaboration with African and Arab Governments, communities, the private sector and donors, bringing together the unique resources of all to achieve common objectives. AAYC enjoys unique access to decision-makers given our long experience and track record of development effectiveness.
  • Teamwork: AAYC Executive and Secretariat work on the basis of mutual respect and accountability, dialogue and collaboration. In our work we seek to understand the views and ideas of others, as well as to recognize the positive contributions of each person, so as to build strong relationships within and beyond AAYC.
  • Integrity: AAYC consistently works in a spirit of mutual trust, honesty, transparency and accountability.
  • Open communications: AAYC is committed to sharing information in a respectful and collegial manner. The timely and regular exchange of quality information – between headquarters and the international Secretariat.
  • Diversity: AAYC seeks to have a workforce that reflects inclusiveness and is diverse by race, gender, and Religion.
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We promote peace, development and solve unemployment challenges amongst the youth