• Consolidation of the values of cooperation and integration between the unions and the Youth organizations in the Arab and the African countries.
  • Raising awareness about the problems and issues of the youth, and being granted their rights and gains, and eliminate the phenomenon of ignorance and illiteracy and unemployment, and to contribute to provide solutions to them and discuss issues of concern to the African and Arab world’s (political, economic and social).
  • Support youth activities in the areas of voluntary, humanitarian work, fine Art & Sciences, Arts and Sports, encourage, nurture youth initiatives to participate in this area
    Developing the Council’s relations and membership with various global, regional and national Youth Organizations.
  • Promote girl child rights and freedoms in decision making in all spheres of political, social, economical and in the running of AAYC.
  • Promote dialogue among the African and Arab youth with an aim of creating mutual respect.
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Peace, Unity and Development