Statement of the Secretary General of AAYC on the International Youth Day 2021
The role played by young people in the social, economic and political development of any nation/society cannot be negated.
Today as we celebrate International Youth Day, may we draw reflections as to the extent at which we have tapped into the energy and potential of youth? Youths are not the problem as popular perceptions have asserted, rather they are a crucial part of the solution to addressing global challenges and shaping a more inclusive world.
Afro-Arab Youth League deliberately harnesses the capabilities of Young people in over 6o Member states of the African and Arab regions.
We are delighted to witness Youth led efforts/initiatives in the social, economic and political spheres of many societies; where Youth have constructively added their voices as democracy, social justice, and economic empowerment champions to promote mutual human values, with an understanding that planetary Health is a collective responsibility.
As we celebrate this international Youth day 2021, under the theme; “transforming food systems; youth innovation for human and planetary health,” the world is faced with a global challenge of the corona pandemic. Many economies are in a deceleration mode; all sectors have been immeasurably affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, pausing a global challenge to both developed and low developed countries.
AAYC pledges its total commitment and support to all member states, while leveraging on our special observer status at the African Union and Arab league, the vast youth organisation mandate in Africa and Arab region, the good will of the heads of states and the youth ministries, departments, and agencies who are our constituent members; to advocate, lobby and start conversations on youth friendly policies that shall give ground for equal participation of the young people in the affairs of their societies. More so, that the youth are not merely participants rather formidable actors and equal stake holders.
We call upon member states to:
- Fast track national school healthy policies to enable learners access relevant health services, information and skills that are appropriate for their age, gender, culture, language and context.
- Legislative assemblies should triple their efforts in the oversight and scrutiny on implementation of laws and policies on teenage pregnancies.
- In the health sector, governments should expedite the vaccination process to help safeguard the health of millions of citizens against the covid-19 pandemic.
- Engage youth in productive Ventures to access jobs both locally and offshore, economically productive occupation, mitigation of unemployment and formalization of labour expatriation.
We call upon the young people to adhere to the standard operating procedures, and be the agents in their communities to encourage their peers and communities.
Although there seems to be despair among us due to the harsh times of the pandemic, we are hopeful, that it will soon end and we shall return to normal.
In the meantime, I call upon youth to be vigilant, guard against anything that may end your dream in life. Let the youth, bare the light for tomorrow, youth can be the ray of hope for a generation that is under threat.
I therefore congratulate H.E YK Museveni the patron of AAYC, all youths of Uganda, African, Arab and world over upon reaching this international youth day 2021.
We stand together in solidarity, for we are human, and the foundations can never be shaken!
Hon. Dr. Abbas Agaba
Secretary General