Press Release

Pan African Youth Secretary General pays Courtesy visit.

The Secretary General of the Pan African Youth (PYU)Hon Ahmed Bening paid a courtesy visit to the Afro Arab  Youth Council (AAYC) on April 17, 2024, in the wake of the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two organizations. During his visit, discussions centered around the effective implementation of the MOU and


This year 2024 marks the twentieth Anniversary of the Afro- Arab Youth Council. We are honored to  partner with the Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO).  ICESCO seeks to strengthen and promote cooperation among member states (for which Uganda is) in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication. The Anniversary celebrations will

Afro-Arab Youth Council attends African Migration Conference in Benghazi

The Afro-Arab Youth Council actively participated in the African Migration Conference held on January 29th-30th  in Benghazi, Libya, focusing on the crucial theme of “Sustainable Solutions for Africa.” The International African Conference on Migration, sponsored by Libyan Prime Minister Dr. Osama Hammad was attended by over 40 delegations from African nations participated in the event.

Afro-Arab Youth Council attends Makerere Youth and innovation week.

Makerere University and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on October 6th 2023 launched the Youth and Innovation Expo 2023 through which the youth showcased their outstanding innovations and enterprises. Speaking to the press during the innovation week, Miss Halima from the Afro-Arab Youth Council, says youths need to join organizations to get enough exposure

The Deputy Director General of ISESCO receives a delegation from the Afro-Arab Youth Council

Dr. Abdel-llah Benarfa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), received a delegation from the Afro-Arab Youth Council, headed by Dr. Abbas Agaba, Secretary-General of the Council, where prospects for cooperation between ISESCO and the Council in the field of youth engagement and developing their skills were discussed. During the


We are deeply saddened by the tragedy that has befallen our Moroccan brothers and sisters and strong members of the AAYC. A magnitude Earthquake of 6.8 hit the High Atlas Mountains about 45 miles southwest of the city of Marrakech killing up to 2000 people by today. We stand in solidarity with the Moroccan people,

AAYC to commemorate international youth day in Mpoma school.

Afro-Arab Youth Council  is gearing up to commemorate International Youth Day on 12th April 2023 in Mpoma girls school. This celebration, under the theme “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World!”, is a beacon of hope and empowerment for the young generation, underscoring their role in shaping a more sustainable future. AAYC’s dedication to

حث الدول الإفريقية على إعطاء الأولوية للتعليم والتنمية والتمكين.

يوم إفريقيا، حيث نتأمل في تاريخنا الغني ونتطلع إلى المستقبل الواعد لقارتنا. مناسبة خاصة تذكرنا بروح التضامن والوحدة التي تربط شعوب القارة الأفريقية وتؤكد من جديد قدرتنا كشباب عربي وأفريقي على خدمة مستقبلنا المشترك. هذه المناسبة تمثل فرصة لنا لتوحيد جهودنا وتعزيز وحدتنا، وأنا أناشد جميع الأفارقة للنظر بعمق في المسار الذي نسعى لنهجه. في

African nations urged to Prioritize Education, Development, and Empowerment.

Ms. Amina Hilmi, the Deputy Secretary General of the Afro-Arab Youth Council, emphasized the importance of investing in knowledge and development to achieve a brighter future for Africa. She called for prioritizing education and lifelong learning, ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for societal and economic development. During