Afro Arab Youth Council Announces Job Opportunities

The AAYC was inaugurated by youth of Africa and Arab world gathering in Sudan at the conclusion of the first ever Afro Arab Youth Festival in 2004. Its headquarter later changed to Uganda after the resolution of the Afro Arab Youth Festival of 2008, Munyonyo (Kampala Declaration) that resolved to construct its AAYC permanent home in Kampala. Overtime a secretariat was set up at Bunamwaya to pursue the objectives of the AAYC as outlined in the AAYC Statutes, and is seeking suitably qualified individuals to fill the positions below to assist the secretariat implement its mandate.

  1. Accountant
  2. Accounts Assistant
  3. Internal Auditor
  4. Liaison Youth and Civil Society
  5. Personal Secretary to the Secretary General
  6. Administrator
  7. Front Desk Officer/Receptionist
  8. Human Resource Officer
  9. Communications and International Relations Manager
  10. Communications and Public Relations Officer
  11. ICT and Resource Centre Officer
  12. Projects and Programs Manager (2)
  13. Programs and Project Officer
  • Interested candidates may access more information on these jobs on the AAYC website
  • Applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Manager AAYC and sent to the AAYC email address with all the required attachments.
  • Applications close at 5:00pm on Friday 1oth  June, 2022

AAYC is an equal opportunities employer and treats all applications equally and fairly, and the jobs are open to both local and international applicants.




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