This year 2024 marks the twentieth Anniversary of the Afro- Arab Youth Council.

We are honored to  partner with the Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO).  ICESCO seeks to strengthen and promote cooperation among member states (for which Uganda is) in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication.

The Anniversary celebrations will begin from 1st-10th March 2024, under the theme, Youth Culture, Peace and Wellbeing. The theme is highlighted by topical dialogues emphasizing intergenerational conversations on key areas of interest to Youth; including  intergenerational dialogue on the future of Young People in the African and Arab Space at Makerere University; the plight of persons with mental health challenges among the Arab and African Youth at Kampala International University; and Dialogue on Youth Employment, skilling and Participation in trade in the social media era at Islamic University in Uganda(IUIU –Kabojja Campus) .

AAYC Secretary General Hon Agaba Abbas addressing the press at Media Center

We re-affirm our commitment to the Vision of Youth, Peace, Unity and Development.

We leverage Uganda’s comparative advantage on the deeper and wide Networks of strategic engagements we conduct across our Member states.

Ours is a para-diplomatic role. Uganda strategically stands to benefit greatly in our engagements.

From March 2023 to date, AAYC has held Key high Level engagements to benefit the Youth of Uganda and Africa at large, among which are:

  1. Mayor of Tangier City of Morocco and modalities are Under to ….. Afro-Arab Youth specific innovation hubs built, which will impact about 2000 Young innovators annually.
  2. Mayor of Safi City of Morocco and modalities are ongoing for Youth Exchange Programs, intercultural exchanges, and skilling/training opportunities for Youth.
  3. Engagement with the Minister for Youth in Morocco, on possible cultural exchanges, and late this year about 50 youths will be in Morocco for sports and cultural festivals
  4. Created partnerships with Schools across Uganda to plant orchards in a bid to promote food security, Nutrition and climate management practices for students and communities.
  5. We have promoted well-being and impacted close to 2000 Youths, with business capital boost, through award of cash prizes.
  6. Lobbying Inter-continental organisations for Capital Funds to boost Local youth managed businesses.
  7. Created platforms for Talented Young People to showcase their capabilities and over 100 Youths have benefited especially in our activities across the continent, through Expos etc.
  8. Over 500 Youth leaders have benefited from our Leadership Mentorship programs in Institutions of Higher Learning.

The Anniversary will be graced by a number of Guest speakers including; H.E  Dr. Salim M. AlMalik-Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(ICESCO); Prof. Roland Lumumba (Chairman of Patrice Lumumba Foundation); the AAYC President also Minister of Foreign Affairs in Libya Abdulhadi lahweej; Busoga Kingdom 2nd Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Osman Noor, Minister of Gender, Labor and social development Hon Minister, Betty Amongi, State Minister for Tourism Hon Martin Mugarra Bahinduka, among others.

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